Hora de incio: 7:30 am
Día 1: Cusco / Abra Málaga / Santa María – BIKING
Les recogemos a las 7:30 a.m. de vuestro hospedaje para luego partir en un bus hasta el ABRA MÁLAGA (cuatro horas – 4350 m.s.n.m.) un punto alto de la ruta donde podremos observar una vista excelente del nevado VERÓNICA, luego seguiremos la ruta hasta el pueblo de SAN LUIS (2900 m.s.n.m.), donde tendremos un tiempo para almorzar, luego descenderemos en bicicletas por un lapso de 04 a 05 horas, en la ruta podremos observar plantaciones de plátanos, naranjales, coca, y otros frutales, también pasaremos por rústicos pueblos andinos; a las 5 o 6 de la tarde llegaremos al Pueblo de SANTA MARÍA, donde cenamos y pernoctamos la primera noche.
Día 2: Santa María / Santa Teresa – CAMINATA
Luego del desayuno continuaremos la ruta, este día realizaremos una caminata de 7 a 8 horas, en primer lugar, ascenderemos hasta el medio de la montaña donde apreciamos los hermosos valles selvático, andinos y quebradas donde encontraremos plantas endémicas, y algunas personas oriundas de la zona que viven de los sembríos de café, también encontraremos un tramo de un ancestral camino inca que recorreremos un tiempo aproximado de una hora, todo este tramo es empedrado, donde también encontraremos las famosas escalinatas Incas; luego llegaremos hasta QUELLOMAYO donde tendremos un tiempo de descanso para el almuerzo, para luego seguir nuestra caminata, cruzaremos ríos, algunos de estos en puentes colgante (oroyas), luego encontraremos las placenteras aguas termales, donde tendremos tiempo libre para tomar un baño y relajarnos; luego serán otros 45 minutos más de caminata para llegar a SANTA TERESA, en este lugar pernoctamos la segunda noche.
Día 3: Santa Teresa / Aguas Calientes – CAMINATA
Este día continuaremos la caminata para llegar al pueblo de Machupicchu, la caminata será de 5 a 6 horas, pasaremos por algunas cascadas, donde tendremos la opción de tomar un baño refrescante luego llegaremos a HIDROELÉCTRICA, donde tendremos el almuerzo, para luego seguir nuestro rumbo hasta llegar al pueblo de Machupicchu (AGUAS CALIENTES), aquí tendrán la tarde libre para descansar o también tienen la opción de subir a la montaña PUTUKUSI, que está localizada al frente de Machupicchu; por la noche recibiremos la cena y descansaremos pensando ya en el tour del día siguiente «Machupicchu», pernoctamos en un hostal.
Día 4: Machu Picchu / Cusco.
Nos levantamos muy temprano (4:30 a.m.) para comenzar la caminata y subir hasta el centro arqueológico de Machu Picchu, llegaremos temprano para ver la salida del sol, luego de tomar las primeras fotos comenzaremos el tour guiado que durara entre dos a dos horas y media.
Después tendrán tiempo libre (4 a 5 horas) para poder subir a la montaña WAYNAPICCHU, o simplemente descansar y tomar más fotos, por la tarde descendemos nuevamente hacia el pueblo de Aguas Calientes donde tendrán tiempo libre para almorzar, por la noche tomaremos nuestro tren de retorno (02 horas) que nos traerá hasta Ollantaytambo, allí nos estarán esperando para traernos en un bus (01 hora y media) hasta el Cusco.Offering popular women’s necklaces such as pendants, chokers and chain necklace. Shop for jewelry in a variety of metals and gemstones to suit any occasion
- Recojo desde su hotel en Cusco
- Bus de Cusco / Abra Málaga
- Bicicletas con cascos y guantes.
- 03 noches de alojamiento
- 03 desayunos, 03 almuerzos y 03 cenas
- Ingreso a Machupicchu
- Guía profesional en ruta y en Machupicchu
- Tren de retorno de aguas calientes / Ollantaytambo
- Transporte de retorno de Ollantaytambo / cusco
No Incluye
- Bus de Aguas Calientes / Machupicchu / Aguas Calientes.
- Primer desayuno y ultimo almuerzo, Cena (cuarto día)
- Snacks especiales.
- Ingreso a las aguas termales S/7.00 Soles.
- Ingreso a Huayna Picchu. (Reservar previo al tour)
- Rafting en Santa Teresa
- Mochila estándar.
- Casaca.
- Ropa Cómoda.
- Shorts, Polos, Zapatos Cómodos.
- Sombrero o gorra.
- Bloqueador solar.
- Repelente contra mosquitos.
- Poncho de lluvia.
- Bastones y lentes.
- Dinero extra.
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Opiniones de nuestros viajeros
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EXCELENTE A base de 29 reseñas Brooke SMarzo 22, 2024Verificada Unmissable - the community is waiting for your visit ❤️ Such a wonderful experience! Everyone was so welcoming and excited to have me there as a guest- it was a really unique experience! I really enjoyed learning about the culture in such a hands on way. Silvia invited me into her home where I was able to see her works, meet her family (and cat!) and enjoy a morning of doing art together while Silvia sang her traditional songs. I'm really happy with my artwork, and the pieces I bought from Silvia and her sister to take home. (Make sure to bring your cash so you don't have any regrets about something you'd like to take home!) I had concerns about visiting such a poor part of Lima, as we are always reminded to be careful of our safety. However, I never once felt unsafe in Rimac, as the community was so excited to see that we were here to experience their culture and contribute to maintaining the artists careers. Many people greeted me, even in English, and it was such a nice feeling! I also had many curious children come to watch the art session, which I thought was too cute!! You won't find any other tourists here, so it's really a unique experience. Mila was also great! So helpful and communicative. She worked really hard to accommodate me and make sure I could get the best experience (such as helping me to sort out cash!). You can tell that the artists she works with have a significant amount of trust and respect for her, and she is really connected with the community at large. I was able to follow some mural artists on Instagram as she instantly knew who did each one, and they would all warmly greet her. A really ethical, unique, and enjoyable experience in Lima! Gijs1908Febrero 1, 2024Verificada Another side of Lima/Peru Really liked the experience. It gave insight into the Shipibo culture and art which I otherwise would not get. Mila took us to Wilma, Wilma is very hospitable and a great shipibo artist. A must do if in Lima if you ask me (and my wife)! Devin SDiciembre 16, 2023Verificada A wonderful and unique experience This was the best tour that I've ever received, and that's coming from someone who's travelled to a lot of places. Mila and Wilma are very kind, warm-hearted, and will take care of you while you're with them. They are very knowledgeable, and will answer any questions that you may have about their culture as they graciously welcome you into their community, their home, their space. The atmosphere is beautiful, and you will get the opportunity to immerse yourself in the artistic traditions of a beautiful culture. Really, truly, a once-in-a-lifteime opportunity. If you're reading this comment and are considering this tour, take it as a sign that you should book it. Rachel LDiciembre 5, 2023Verificada Make a new friend in Mila My friend and I went to the Shipibo community and had a once in a lifetime experience. Mila made us feel safe and welcomed the entire time, and was extremely knowledgeable about the artwork and people of the community. She was a fantastic host, whose passion made the experience even better. Mark GDiciembre 4, 2023Verificada Unique and Unmissable experience Amazing and unique experience in Lima. Mila was wonderful in all aspects of coordinating and guiding the tour to the Shipibo community. Our time with Wilma and her family was extremely interesting and gave a unique insight into life in this community. Highly recommended for all visitors to Lima looking for more off the beaten track & interactive tours in Lima Vanessa / She Wanders MilesNoviembre 8, 2023Verificada Best authentic tour in Lima I was looking for an authentic experience in Lima that was unique and exploring new cultures. Meeting Wilma and David, learning about traditional kene art from the Shipbo community and creating our own designs in the workshop was incredible! I can’t rate this your highly enough. A must-do tour in Lima!! judy wOctubre 2, 2023Verificada Take a chance to visit the shipibo community and it’s worth going Our guide Alfredo is knowledgeable tour guide. We took a public transport from where we stay to the shipibo community. It was a very good local experience. The artisan Wilma shared shipibo culture with us. It’s worth seeing with 1 hr transport! Chloé CSeptiembre 28, 2023Verificada Eye-opening experience; a must! This experience was truly special as it was eye opening to the ancient traditions of shipibo art as it is maintained currently. Leave the main tourist areas of Lima and find yourself among a community living their daily lives among coloured murals. It is definitely worth it as you get a taste of real Peru and get to experience beautiful art. alfredo cSeptiembre 14, 2023Verificada Visit Shipiba Community in Lima An unconventional visit, very entertaining and at the same time learning, appreciating and valuing our living cultures, thanks to Milagros it has been super entertaining. Matty OAgosto 23, 2023Verificada Go past the crowds and your bias, visit Shipibo and be transformed Visiting Shipibo community and meeting Wilma; learning her ancient Amazonian techniques for textile design; creating a unique pattern honoring my father--- it was an extraordinary, unique, very emotional, and highly rewarding experience that will never be forgotten. I can strongly recommend this tour-- for anyone willing to go past preconceived ideas, modern biases, and overcome fears of the unknown. Special thanks to my guide Milagros, who also made the day exploring the Rimac neighborhoods so wonderful, to Wilma's son , who gave me a private walking tour of this impoverished area, and mostly to Wilma, amazing artist, teacher, and now a friend. 5 stars is not enough. Signed, 'Ronon Rawa' aka 'big traveling Anaconda' ( the Shipibo language name given me by Wilma ).